Mini malist
Mini malist

mini malist
  1. #Mini malist how to
  2. #Mini malist full

The report can be downloaded here.Minimalist is most generally used as an adjective describing a style or approach that uses a small number of elements.

#Mini malist how to

A minimalist office is one that is modern, but also friendly for the staff and their needs.įor more on concentration in the office read our report: How to create a great office space? There are 5 main employee needs you should keep in mind.

mini malist

Minimalism in the office is a pragmatic choice: without clutter and superfluous items tasks become simpler, and the team is not distracted by unnecessary elements. It is no secret that clean, well-organised space improves the quality of life, but also the quality of work. So it is worth to ask yourself the question: is each of the individual steps indispensable to do my job properly? In the time saved, could I already start working on something new or refine the end effect? Are all the reports and analyses really necessary? And do all of those documents really need to be in paper form? Better task planning and getting rid of distractions, combined with better organisation of space around you can bring immeasurable benefits for the entire organisation, and bring order and harmony, very often missed, to your office. We tend to get used to multiple formalities that have long grown on our organisations. Just like you get rid of unnecessary stuff, you can also consider if it is necessary to perform all those processes and how to better organise your work. Not to mention modern, ergonomic chairs which, in addition to their visual qualities, will improve the comfort of your work. Also here, minimalism does not need to be monotonous - this type of office can be enriched with colourful sound-absorbing panels, designer lamps or a note of greenery. On your desk, you need a laptop, a pen and a notepad, but not bookshelves hanging overhead, binders or tonnes of markers. So, if you want to introduce the minimalist style in your office, you should try to only leave what is really necessary for you to do your job. Sometimes called ‘homes of imagination’, they support contemplation and stimulate creative thinking. It is not without reason that Japanese interiors designed for drinking tea are devoid of any decorations or furniture. Research has shown that distractions in the workplace reduce productivity by 40% and increase mistake rate by 27%.

#Mini malist full

Minimalism in the workplace will enable you to get rid of what overwhelms you the most and inhibits you from developing your full potential. The whole concept can also be successfully translated into how you organise your office. It is not the excess of items but their absence that makes a space sophisticated here. Wood and metal are the dominant materials, as they blend well with glass, ceramics and stone. It should be remembered, however, that less furniture and accessories means they will be more exposed, so particular attention should be paid to textures and the quality of materials from which furniture is made.

mini malist

Hence, in the minimalist style huge emphasis is placed on their form - interesting shapes, modular solutions or unusual edges can make a space look modern and light.

mini malist

Also furniture does not have to be boring – after all, it will be the main decorative element here. Different shades of green or pastel pink will fit in very well too. But a seemingly modest colour range does not mean boredom – the colour white, which can make a room seem larger, can be well softened with contrasting black, navy blue or grey. Superfluous accessories and excessive ornaments are out of the question here. In interior design, minimalism is primarily characterized by a limited number of colours and items.

Mini malist